In 2014, Kirk in the Hills launched a capital campaign, raising funds to be used, in part, for outreach in the Kirk’s neighboring community of Pontiac, Michigan. After extensive research and conversations with Pontiac leaders, the Kirk ultimately decided to use these funds to create an El Sistema-inspired music program. The Kirk has a long history of musical excellence as well as a dedication to supporting the Pontiac community. Accent Pontiac was the perfect fit.
In Spring, 2016, Walt Whitman Elementary School was secured as Accent Pontiac’s first school partner in the Pontiac School District. Founding Director, Tina Rowan, was hired in September, 2016, and Accent Pontiac began launched it’s pilot program, serving approximately 105 students at Whitman. In September, 2018, Accent Pontiac expanded to include a second school partner in the Pontiac School District, Alcott Elementary School.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Accent Pontiac developed safe and innovative programs to stay connected with Pontiac students and families. Accent Pontiac partnered with Pontiac’s My Covid Response effort to deliver food and other resources to our families. In addition, Accent Pontiac offered virtual music instruction, outdoor music classes and Porch Lessons: outdoor, socially-distanced music lessons at students’ homes. In Fall 2021, Accent Pontiac returned to in-person programming at partner schools in the Pontiac School District, and expanded to Pontiac Middle School.
In Fall 2023, Accent Pontiac began serving after-school programming to Herrington Elementary, International Language Academy (ILA), International Technology Academy (ITA), and Pontiac High School, expanding support to more schools in the Pontiac School District. Accent Pontiac has transportation support both from the Pontiac School District and Pontiac Community Foundation, ensuring students can attend programming and have a ride home afterwards.
Now in our 9th year, Accent Pontiac serves ~400 students at Walt Whitman Elementary School, Alcott Elementary School, Herrington Elementary School, International Language Academy (ILA), International Technology Academy (ITA), Pontiac Middle School, and Pontiac High School. In addition to the student participants in our during and after-school program, Accent Pontiac serves additional students in the Pontiac School District by bringing assemblies and guest artist performances to the schools, serving over 1,000 students.
In the upcoming years, Accent Pontiac hopes to expand to support all schools in the Pontiac School District.